The October meeting of the Emerald Coast Woman's Club will be held at Broussard's Restaurant on Navarre Beach on Thursday, October 6th, at 11:30. We are encouraging members to bring a friend or neighbor. Anyone interested in the club is welcome to attend the meeting.
Luncheon will be Spahetti & Meatballs, Salad & Garlic bread. Coffee or Iced Tea. The charge for this meal will be $18 per person.
Club activities will be starting up as well. Bunco will be on 9/15 at 10 am at Culvers. We each put in $5, plus $.50 which creates the winners prizes. Canasta should also be starting - info to follow. Supper club will forward its info shortly. Anyone who has an activity they would like to start, lets hear from you.
Please be sure to call Lynn Lowry to make your reservation for the Oct meeting by Sunday, Oct 2nd, unless you are on the permanent list.Her # 850-661-3418. She will make sure the restaurant is expecting you. We look forward to seeing as many as possible.